Compatible with all skin colors All genders, and all ages from teen & up Check out the gif for swatch previews! ♡ Hello! Here today with a cellulite overlay for The Sims 4 ~ cute body dimples for your sims’ legs, butts, arms & stomachs (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚.After seeing these gorgeous braids by I had to have them in Maxis Match colors and textures! I have included a version with the original hairline and one without (V2) so you can add your own!

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.Opens in new window 3,627 notes Text Post posted 3. Sims 4 Maxis-Match CC Finds Simming since 2008 -Origin ID: ashleyysimmer.The V2 was made because I’d spent so much time on the lace top that I didn’t want it to go to waste. It’s actually a sims 4 version of this dress. The skirt on V1 is quite unique and is meant to simulate a tulle skirt with layers while still being maxis-match."CC Sims 4" 1,5 millones de valoraciones.If you found this tutorial helpful, sign up to our Sims 4 newsletter over here or check out the rest of our Sims 4 content here. This easy way to find and delete broken or bad CC in The Sims 4 works for rooms, lots and CAS items. You can just delete them one-by-one by going through each window and hitting delete.Īnd that’s it. If you select more than one item of Sims 4 CC to delete, several windows will open up with the selected items highlighted in your mods folder. If you simply want to get rid of the bad or broken CC, click over to the CC tab, select the items and right click to open your Sims 4 mods folder by using the “show in folder” option (like you did with the household/lot/room files earlier). This is quite useful to help find missing meshes. You can then download it and add it to your mods folder. If the option is there, a browser tab will open and you will find the websites where the CC is hosted. It is best to check with the app’s developers for troubleshooting. There could be an issue with your firewall blocking access or you might be running an out of date version, or other similar issues. If you are having problems, refer to the TS4TI support forum. Note: Some users recently reported that there are issues with this option showing up. If you want to find the missing CC, right-click and use the “Find on Google” option. Any missing mods or CC will show up highlighted in red like in the screenshot below. You will see a list of all the CC in use for that household, room or lot. To get rid of broken Sims 4 Custom Content or find missing CC by using TS4TI, switch over to the CC tab on the application. You can just hit delete in the folder and the files bell be deleted.

Your Tray folder will open with the files highlighted. Then select the “Show containing folder” option.