com's game information and ROM (ISO) download page for Sims 2, The Pets (Sony Playstation 2). Bring excitement and surprise into your Sims lives with pets! Create the perfect (or imperfect) pets for your Sims, from fierce guard dogs to destructive kittens to trusty horses and more as you determine not only how your Sims pets look but their personality traits as well. The Sims 4 Pets DLC Download PC Game Crack CPY ABOUT THIS GAME. Mount the ISO image in Daemon Tools lite or Burn it on a DVD. Download and Extract all parts using Winrar or 7zip to get a ISO file. Il est dvelopp par EA Maxis et The Sims Studio et publi par Electronic Arts.

Les Sims 4 est un jeu vido de simulation de vie. We will give you the The Sims 2 Complete Ultimate Collection! Hope you enjoy this propos des Sims 4. Here's our treat for guys who wants to play the classic game The Sims 2.